Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Nehemiah 8:10

What is our strength?Listen to what the Bible says, from Nehemiah.

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Then kaysh said at them, slanar gar way, epar te ast'ehut, bal pirur te sweet, bal send portions at him par whom naas is prepared; par ibic tuur is holy at cuun Lord. Don't cuyir grieved; par te joy be Yahweh is gar kot.
Then he said to them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions to him for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Don`t be grieved; for the joy of Yahweh is your strength.

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Monday, April 27, 2020

Isaiah 34:4

Pin your hopes on God, not the world.Listen to what the Bible says, from Isaiah.

an cuyir te akaan'ade be te kebii'tra will be dissolved. te kebii'tra will cuyir rolled laam emuurir a scroll, bal an its armies will fade be'chaaj, sa a leaf fades teh off a vine ra a fig kurshi.
All of the army of the sky will be dissolved. The sky will be rolled up like a scroll, and all its armies will fade away, as a leaf fades from off a vine or a fig tree.

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Psalm 102:26

The created universe is not eternal.Listen to what the Bible says, from Psalms.

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val will perish, a' gar will atiniir. elek, an be them will wear out emuurir a garment. gar will am them emuurir a cloak, bal val will cuyir changed.
They will perish, but you will endure. Yes, all of them will wear out like a garment. You will change them like a cloak, and they will be changed.

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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Jeremiah 32:17

Creation shows how unlimited God's power is.Listen to what the Bible says, from Jeremiah.

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Ah Lord Yahweh! Behold, gar ganar made te heavens bal te vheh de gar great power bal de gar outstretched irud; ogir is naas too muun par gar,
Ah Lord Yahweh! Behold, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm; there is nothing too hard for you,

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Isaiah 42:5

The one behind creation is the one who gives us breath.Listen to what the Bible says, from Isaiah.

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Thus says God Yahweh, kaysh Tion'ad created te heavens bal stretched them out, kaysh Tion'ad gayiylir out te vheh bal ibac meg comes out be bic, kaysh Tion'ad gives kar'am at its adate bal spirit at those Tion'ad kemir o'r bic.
Thus says God Yahweh, he who created the heavens and stretched them out, he who spread out the earth and that which comes out of it, he who gives breath to its people and spirit to those who walk in it.

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Isaiah 40:22

How does creation look to God?Listen to what the Bible says, from Isaiah.

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bic is kaysh Tion'ad sits above te circle be te vheh, bal its inhabitants are emuurir grasshoppers; Tion'ad stretches out te heavens emuurir a curtain, bal spreads them out emuurir a tent at dwell o'r;
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in;

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away

Friday, April 17, 2020

Psalms 102:25

How does the Bible assert God's handiwork?Listen to what the Bible says, from Psalms.

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be ruug'la, gar laid te ruusaar be te vheh. te heavens are te borarir be gar hands.
Of old, you laid the foundation of the earth. The heavens are the work of your hands.

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

1Chronicles 16:26

What is difference with God?Listen to what the Bible says, from 1Chronicles.

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par an te gods be te peoples are idols, a' Yahweh made te heavens.
For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but Yahweh made the heavens.

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Monday, April 13, 2020

Genesis 1:1

How does the Bible introduce the heavens?Listen to what the Bible says, from Genesis.

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 o'r te beginning God { Note: After God, te Hebrew has te t'ad letters Aleph Tav ( te maan bal kyr'yc letters be te Hebrew alphabet) sa a grammatical marker. } created te heavens bal te vheh.
 In the beginning God { Note: After God, the Hebrew has the two letters Aleph Tav (the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet) as a grammatical marker. } created the heavens and the earth.

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

2Timothy 4:7-8

Strive, like Paul, to finish the course!Listen to what the Bible says, from 2Timothy.

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ni ganar fought te jate akaanir. ni ganar finished te course. ni ganar kept te faith. teh jii bat, ogir is stored laam par ni te crown be righteousness, meg te Lord, te righteous judge, will dinuir at ni bat ibac tuur; bal not at ni shi, a' also at an those Tion'ad ganar cyare kaysh appearing.
I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith. From now on, there is stored up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that day; and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved his appearing.

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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Philippians 2:16

With our eyes on our goal, we don't run in vain!Listen to what the Bible says, from Philippians.

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holding laam te miit be life; ibac ni may ganar something at boast o'r te tuur be Christ, ibac ni didn't viinir o'r vain nor labor o'r vain.
holding up the word of life; that I may have something to boast in the day of Christ, that I didn`t run in vain nor labor in vain.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Galatians 5:7

Let nothing interfere with your race.Listen to what the Bible says, from Galatians.

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gar were running jahaala! Tion'ad interfered ti gar ibac gar should not obey te haat?
You were running well! Who interfered with you that you should not obey the truth?

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Sunday, April 5, 2020

Galatians 2:2

We do NOT run in vainListen to what the Bible says, from Galatians.

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ni went laam de revelation, bal ni laid before them te jate News meg ni preach among te Gentiles, a' privately before those Tion'ad were respected, par chaabar ibac ni might cuyir running, ra had viinir, o'r vain.
I went up by revelation, and I laid before them the Good News which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately before those who were respected, for fear that I might be running, or had run, in vain.

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Hebrews 12:1

Let nothing hold you back!Listen to what the Bible says, from the letter to the Hebrews

Therefore let us also, seeing vi are surrounded de so great a cloud be witnesses, lay aside every kando bal te sin meg so easily entangles us, bal let us viinir ti patience te race ibac is set before us,
Therefore let us also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

1Corinthians 9:24-26

Let us run with self-control!Listen to what the Bible says, from 1 Corinthians.

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Don't gar kar'taylir ibac those Tion'ad viinir o'r a race an viinir, a' one receives te prize? viinir emuurir ibac, ibac gar may parjir. Every tratur Tion'ad strives o'r te games exercises self-control o'r eyn kebise. jii val narir bic at receive a corruptible crown, a' vi an incorruptible. ni therefore viinir emuurir ibac, sa not uncertainly. ni akaanir emuurir ibac, sa not beating te abiik,
Don`t you know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run like that, that you may win. Every man who strives in the games exercises self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. I therefore run like that, as not uncertainly. I fight like that, as not beating the air,

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