Sunday, October 15, 2017

Joh 15 4 5

With Christ, we can bear much fruit.Listen to what the Bible says, from John.

(click for podcast)

Remain o'r ni, bal ni o'r gar. sa te branch liser't jorir papurgaat de ast, unless bic remains o'r te vine, so neither can gar, unless gar remain o'r ni. ni am te vine. gar are te branches. kaysh Tion'ad remains o'r ni, bal ni o'r him, te arasuumir bears much papurgaat, par dar'tome teh ni gar liser narir naas.
Remain in me, and I in you. As the branch can`t bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you, unless you remain in me. I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

Listen to the Word, it reaches even to galaxies far, far away

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